preview of Captain America/ Calvin & Hobbes  fusion doodleGenre/Fandom: Captain America / Calvin & Hobbes
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers, Bucky (Bear)
Media: pencil
Notes/comments: An MCU Captain America/Calvin & Hobbes fusion. I decided Steve would have a normal teddy bear rather than a Bucky Bear, but in his fantasy he would be Captain America, and Bucky would be a bear, who is wearing Bucky’s blue coat, rather than any Winter Soldier design.

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Captain America/ Calvin & Hobbes — screen resolution (ca. 165k)

preview of PlagueDoctor!RatCreature Genre/Fandom: creature doodle
Characters/Pairings: my RatCreature cartoon avatar that I use for LJ icons as Plague Doctor
Media: pencil sketch, inked with a Wacom tablet in GIMP
Notes/comments: You can see my complete icon collection on my website. (These icons are not open for sharing, they are for my own personal use only.)

PlagueDoctore!RatCreature, pencils and finished image — screen resolution
PlagueDoctor!RatCreature, final icon

Christmas Tea TimeGenre/Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Characters/Pairings: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims
Media: pencil on paper
Notes/comments: Pilesofnonsense now has revealed creators. So here is the sketch I did for Jackjones.
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Christmas Tea Time — screen resolution

preview of Lesson in the Folly LibraryGenre/Fandom: Rivers of London
Characters/Pairings: Abigail Kamara & Varvara Sidorovna Tamonina
Media: pencil on paper
Notes/comments: Chocolateboxcomm now has revealed creators. So here is the sketch I did for Lilith.
Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit.

A Lesson in the Folly Library– screen resolution

preview of Steampunk Maria Hill/Steve RogersGenre/Fandom: Avengers (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Characters/Pairings: Maria Hill/Steve Rogers
Media: indian ink on paper
Notes/comments: I made this for the Yuletart 2013 gift exchange for Tielan, originally posted here. For Captain America’s AU outfit I referenced bits from Ryan Meinerding’s First Avenger concept art and an American WWI uniform, rather than trying to come up with a Steampunk superhero costume for Steve or dressing him into something more Victorian. I couldn’t quite see him as a gentleman adventurer or such.

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit.

Steampunk Maria Hill/Steve Rogers — screen resolution (ca. 316k)

preview of IronMan!RatCreature Genre/Fandom: creature doodle, Marvel
Characters/Pairings: my RatCreature cartoon avatar that I use for LJ icons as Iron Man
Media: pencil sketch, inked with a Wacom tablet in GIMP
Notes/comments: You can see my complete icon collection on my website. (These icons are not open for sharing, they are for my own personal use only.)

IronMan!RatCreature, pencils and finished image — screen resolution (ca. 112k)
IronMan!RatCreature, final icon — screen resolution (ca. 8k)

preview of SolaceGenre/Fandom: Avengers/Spider-Man
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers, Peter Parker
Media: indian ink and acrylics on paper (original is ca. 16x18cm without the border)
Notes/comments: I made this for the Yuletart 2012 gift exchange for PinkElephant42, originally posted here. My prompt was for Steve Rogers/Peter Parker, “Meeting in the night, comfort.” Thanks to Goss and AstridV who offered artbeta advice to make my initial pencils better.

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit.

Solace — screen resolution (ca. 148k)
Solace, detail — high resolution (ca. 120k)

preview of Christmas BakeryGenre/Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Characters/Pairings: Charles Xavier, Raven
Media: indian ink and acrylics on paper, minor digital correction with GIMP (original is ca. 25x17cm)
Notes/comments: This is the gift I made for Papercutperfect for the the Secret Mutant exchange. Papercutperfect requested a slice of Charles’ and Raven’s life as children, growing up together in Westchester. I imagined that Charles would introduce Raven to making Christmas cookies.

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit.

Christmas Bakery — screen resolution (ca. 168k)
Christmas Bakery, detail — high resolution (ca. 96k)

preview of a Hulk/Peanuts fusion doodleGenre/Fandom: Avengers/Peanuts
Characters/Pairings: Bruce Banner (as Hulk), Linus van Pelt
Media: colored pencil
Notes/comments: I read this post with a chat between Petra and Liviapenn about Hulk with a lead binkie, which in my mind caused me to imagine a sort of Peanuts fusion with Hulk in a Linus pose, and then this weird thing happened.

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit.

Hulk with a lead binkie — screen resolution (ca. 123k)

preview of a drawbleGenre/Fandom: Drawble / Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, Sesame Street, Sherlock, X-Men, original
Characters/Pairings: Erik Lehnsherr, John Watson, Prairie Dawn, Scott Summers, Willow Rosenberg, guinea pig, rats, hedgehogs, my RatCreature cartoon
Media: pencil
Notes/comments: Drawbles I did based on prompts for for More Joy Day.

drawble for marinarusalka drawble for kass drawble for droolfangrrl drawble for tamsin drawble for cereta drawble for basingstokedrawble for hsavinien

preview of  Werewolf!Erik with Rat-Animagus!CharlesGenre/Fandom: Harry Potter/X-Men: First Class
Characters/Pairings: Werewolf!Erik, Rat-Animagus!Charles
Media: indian ink and acrylics on paper (original is ca. 24x32cm)
Notes/comments: This is the gift I made for Etirabys for the Secret Mutant exchange on LJ. The prompt I filled was “Harry Potter AU. Erik is a werewolf and Charles becomes an Animagus to help him out.”

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes “reblogging” the images themselves on services such as Tumblr. A high resolution version of this art without the URL watermarking is available on request for private, non-commercial uses.

Learned Trust — screen resolution (ca. 300k)
Learned Trust, detail — high resolution (ca. 168k)

preview of  Pinky and Brain illustrationGenre/Fandom: Pinky and the Brain
Characters/Pairings: Brain/Pinky
Media: fine liner pen with indian ink, digitally colored in GIMP
Notes/comments: This an illustration for the Yuletide 2011 Pinky & Brain story Best Laid Plans by lies_d. I have to say that it is not at all easy logistically to draw these two kissing. First there’s the height difference and then the muzzles get in the way too. Also, this is supposed to be the photo of them that ends up on Facebook in the story and originally wanted to format this to appear as if posted there, like a screenshot with the website logo and such, but I do not have an account and don’t really know how the pages where photos are displayed look for the users. I tried finding screenshots of Facebook walls but they don’t seem to show photos, just comments? So now you just have to imagine it there.

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit. A high resolution version of this art without the URL watermarking is available on request for private, non-commercial uses.

Best Laid Plans illustration — screen resolution (ca. 100k)

preview of a Cookie Monster X-Mas CardGenre/Fandom: Sesame Street
Characters/Pairings: Cookie Monster
Media: indian ink, acrylics
Notes/comments: I hope you are all having a good time, whether you celebrate or not, and plenty of cookies, just like Cookie Monster.

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit.

Cookie Monster Christmas — screen resolution (ca. 112k)

preview of a drawbleGenre/Fandom: Drawble / Lord of the Rings, Merlin, SG-1, SGA
Characters/Pairings: Arthur Pendragon, Aithusa, Balrog, John Sheppard, Jack O’Neill, Sam Carter, Daniel Jackson, Teal’c, penguins, iguana, my RatCreature cartoon
Media: pencil
Notes/comments: Drawbles I did based on prompts.

drawble for busaikko drawble for goss drawble for hsavinien drawble for sg_fignewton drawble for lolmac drawble for sulien77

preview of a drawbleGenre/Fandom: Drawble / SGA, X-Men
Characters/Pairings: Erik Lehnsherr, John Sheppard, clowns, ghosts, my RatCreature cartoon
Media: pencil
Notes/comments: Drawbles I did based on prompts for Halloween.

drawble for marinarusalka drawble for busaikko drawble for ilyena_sylph drawble for reginagiraffe

preview of a drawbleGenre/Fandom: Drawble / Edward Scissorhands, Harry Potter, Muppets, SGA, Star Trek, Terminator
Characters/Pairings: Edward Scissorhands, Lord Voldemort, Terminator, Gonzo, Rodney McKay, Spock, dragons
Media: pencil
Notes/comments: Drawbles I did based on prompts.

drawble for thefourthvine drawble for isagel drawble for schneefink drawble for ilyenasylph drawble for goss drawble for odditycollector drawble for busaikko drawble for hsavinien

preview of  Genre/Fandom: Highlander/X-Men
Characters/Pairings: Methos, mutant baby
Media: acrylics on paper, original ca. 35x45cm; for more detail see this process post
Notes/comments: This is an illustration for Basingstoke’s awesome Highlander/X-Men crossover WIP Unalienable. Among many other things happening, Methos takes care of a mutant baby, carrying her around in a sling: “Methos makes a sandwich with the baby in a sling on his hip. […] Baby’s skin has flushed up bluer now that she’s feeling better. Her eyes are a bright, piercing pink. Her eyelashes and eyebrows are thick and orange but she doesn’t seem to have any hair on her head or body, not even the normal fine down of a girl’s skin. She looks garish and strange.”

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit. A high resolution version of this art without the URL watermarking is available on request for private, non-commercial uses.

Methos with a mutant baby — screen resolution (ca. 350k)
Methos with a mutant baby, detail — high resolution (ca. 68k)
Methos with a mutant baby, detail — high resolution (ca. 124k)

preview of a Beast and Kermit doodleGenre/Fandom: X-Men/Sesame Street
Characters/Pairings: Hank McCoy, Kermit the Frog
Media: pencil
Notes/comments: The XMFC/Sesame Street crossover in my head is still expanding: Hank and Kermit would sing a duet about how it’s not easy to be green or blue.

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit.

Beast and Kermit sing a duet — screen resolution (ca. 96k)

preview of an Erik and Oscar doodleGenre/Fandom: X-Men/Sesame Street
Characters/Pairings: Erik Lehnsherr, Oscar the Grouch, Fluffy, Slimey
Media: pencil
Notes/comments: Another scene from the XMFC/Sesame Street crossover in my head: Erik would visit Oscar’s trash can, and maybe he and Oscar would bond over their misanthropic outlook. But the trash can would also feel really odd to Erik’s metal sensing abilities, because it is larger inside than out, and Erik just can’t figure how this structure works, and maybe it puts him a bit on edge, when the metal in his environment feels wrong. He probably wonders whether escaping through whatever kind of dimensional anomaly leading into “Grouchland” this is, is the monsters’ backup plan should humans decide to round them all up (because of course the first thing Erik noticed, once he resigned himself to Charles dragging him into sets of singing monsters, is the complete lack of security and defensible positions).

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit.

Erik visits Oscar and his trash can — screen resolution (ca. 172k)

preview of a Magneto and Super Grover doodleGenre/Fandom: X-Men/Sesame Street
Characters/Pairings: Erik Lehnsherr (as Magneto), Grover (as Super Grover)
Media: pencil
Notes/comments: A while ago one of Cereta’s Grading Hell Theater posts prompted me to think about the X-Men characters visiting Sesame Street. Ever since I’ve been thinking about the many awesome opportunities this crossover would bring. I mean, Sesame Street started 1969, a few years after the events of XMFC, so in the intervening years I imagine some ending fixit happened for Charles & Erik (and by extension the X-Men and the Brotherhood) or at least a temporary truce. Meanwhile with Charles trying to advance his cause of peaceful coexistence with humans, he’d manage to get Sesame Street to promote mutant acceptance alongside other diversity, and would be enthused about the opportunity to guest star with his students. (Of course in this universe the muppets are real, and working in the entertainment industry or something like that.)

Erik has no idea how exactly he got roped into the project, but it probably started with Charles arguing the importance that mutants who can’t pass also appear, so that got the Brotherhood involved (so Hank wouldn’t be the token non-passing mutant), and it all went downhill from there. And in the end because he can’t refuse Charles anything, Erik somehow finds himself appearing in sketches with Super Grover featuring capes, helmets, and the letter “M” which after all is for so many awesome words as metal, monster and Magneto… (I’m not sure when Super Grover first appeared, but he was introduced later there just has to be some canon bending, because the opportunity of these two is just too good to pass up.)

Please do not distribute my art without my permission, i.e. do not upload my art to other sites, services, archives, or wikis. That includes uploading the images themselves to your own Tumblr, even with credit.

Magneto and Super Grover explain the letter M — screen resolution (ca. 152k)



While all artworks in this blog are my own, some of the art is fanart, i.e. it features characters and universes I do not own. Superman, Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Oracle, Spoiler, Jim Gordon, Superboy, Shift, Green Arrow, Arsenal and Sandman are owned by DC Comics. Daredevil, Spider-Man and Storm are owned by Marvel. The Jedi and Star Wars belong to Lucasfilm Ltd., Stargate Atlantis, its characters and universe to MGM Television Entertainment. Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic, Inc. and AOL/Time Warner, Inc., The Dresden Files to Jim Butcher, Temeraire to Naomi Novik, Watership Down to Richard Adams, the Muppets to The Jim Henson Company. These drawings are not in any way connected to or endorsed by DC Comics, Marvel, Lucasfilm Ltd, MGM, Richard Adams, Jim Butcher, the Jim Henson Company, Naomi Novik, or J.K. Rowling. No copyright infringement is intended, no profit is made with this.